zaterdag 16 december 2017

Noomen 3-move ctg-book

Here is a new Jeroen Noomen ctg-book, based on the two opening testsets Noomen 2-move Testsuite and Noomen 3-move Testsuite, both of which you can find here:

From these two testsuites Jeroen Noomen has made a 3-move.ctg book, which can be used under the ChessBase GUI's. Download link:

Noomen 3-move.ctg

zondag 22 oktober 2017

Noomen 2-move & 3-move Testsuite

Two new Noomen testsuites for engine-engine testing, inspired by TCEC season 10:

Noomen 2-move Testsuite => 200 lines with only 2 book moves (4 ply)
Noomen 3-move Testsuite => 500 lines with only 3 book moves (6 ply)

Download linkNoomen 2-move Testsuite

Download link: Noomen 3-move Testsuite

Watch TCEC season 10 live, the strongest chess tournament ever:

zondag 24 september 2017

Complete King's Indian: 6 Noomen testsets

There are 6 new testsets made by Jeroen Noomen, about the King's Indian Defence. Jeroen's comments:

"I have completed my 6 testsets in the King's Indian and offer them as a free download below. The testsets are based on the series Kotronias on The King's Indian volume 1 through 5. I.e. the sets focus on the main lines given in these 5 books.

A short description of the 6 testsets:

* Noomen KI Fianchetto Systems 2017 => covers the systems in which white plays g2-g3;
* Noomen KI Mar del Plata Testsuite 2017 => covers the Mar del Plata main lines with 9.Ne1 and Taimanov's 9.Bd2;
* Noomen KI Mar del Plata II Testsuite 2017 => covers the Bayonet attack 9.b4 and 9.Nd2;
* Noomen KI Classical Systems 2017 => covers the Averbakh, Makogonov, Petrosian, Gligoric, Karpov and a few other systems;
* Noomen KI Samisch 2017 => covers the Samisch, focus is on the 6.Be3 c5 system (but the other systems are covered as well);
* Noomen KI Rare Lines 2017 => covers the Four Pawns attack, the Seirawan system, Smyslov-Inkiov system, 3.f3, Bg5 systems, h3 systems and a few others.

In my view the King's Indian is a great fighting opening; it is complicated, sometimes even murky and - most important - engines are often way too optimistic about white's chances".

Download linkComplete King's Indian

zaterdag 23 september 2017

Tournament book TCEC 9 superfinal

Free download: a tournament book containing all 100 games of the TCEC season 9 superfinal between Stockfish and Houdini:

TCEC 9 superfinal tournament book

The tenth edition of TCEC can be followed live here (start date probably in October 2017):

woensdag 19 juli 2017

5 new Noomen testsets for engine-engine testing

There are five new Noomen testsets available for engine-engine testing. A short description and a download link below:

"In the past few weeks and months I have made 5 new testsuites for engine-engine testing. Here is a short description:

  • Noomen KI Mar del Plata 2017:  50 positions from the King's Indian Mar del Plata variation, a very complicated line that leads to very interesting play and a lower draw rate compared to classical opening lines. This testsuite covers the 9.Ne1 main line and the 9.Bd2 Taimanov variation.
  • Noomen KI Mar del Plata II 2017: 50 positions from the King's Indian Mar del Plata variation, in this testsuite the 9.Nd2 line and the 9.b4 Bayonet attack are covered.
  • Noomen Ruy Lopez Testsuite 2017: 50 positions from the Ruy Lopez, covering all topical lines in the Ruy: Marshall gambit, Chigorin, Zaitsev, Berlin Wall, Delayed Steinitz and so forth.
  • Noomen Slav Testsuite 2017: 50 positions from the Slav Defence, one of the most popular opening lines in engine matches. All important lines are covered in the set, f.e. the Moscow gambit, the anti-Moscow, the Botwinnik variation, the classical Slav, the Bronstein variation and so on.
  • UltraShort Lines: tired of all those long book lines? Then this testsuite might be for you. It has 50 positions with a minimum of theory, ranging from 1 ply to 6 plies. From that point the engines are on their own. Find out how they play the most important opening lines by themselves, without having book moves available.
Jeroen Noomen, July 2017"

Download link:  Five new Noomen testsets

If you are interested in all Noomen testsets, then you can download them using the following download link:

ALL Noomen testsets